
Community on the Road…

This summer, we joined a group for traveling families that I came across online called Fulltime Families (FTF), in hopes to find other families on the road to connect our kiddos. The Facebook group online community has been great, full of information and support, with every living situation and family dynamics you can think of. From families Rving stationary for work, to those of us moving every week or two. From those hopping from RV park to RV park to those boondocking and everyone in between.

We’ve recently started our 3rd year on the road but have only been boondocking for a little less than a year…we have much to learn but heck there is always something new to learn about Rv living in general. This Winter we finally caught up with the Boondocking community of FTF. We met up on a BLM piece of land by Lake Havasu. Though we were planning on bouncing between CRA parks, we decided to cut our 2 week stay or “docking” as I’ve fondly started calling it, so we could make our first meet up.
