It’s not Exercise…it’s Your Hormones…

What I learned through my own healing journey is that living a heathy vibrant life encompasses nurturing our Mind, Body and Spirit. With that comes a daily practice of reducing the toxins we are exposed to, choosing good nutrition, movement, using self-awareness and self-discovery tools and connecting with Spirit…or whatever name you identify with.


Up until recently…

I didn’t fully commit to stepping into what it takes to nurturing my body, as a result, I found myself confronted with many medical labels.  Read more about my story. I’ve spend most of my life being of average to underweight.  I remember having to take double rations during my Marine Corps training to keep weight on.  I was always on the go, doing all the time.  Being a single mom, working long hours at the hospital, I felt like I had to do it all and at the time…I did.  But what I didn’t do well, was managing my stress.  After my 40’s stress caught up with me and I’ve struggled with my weight ever since.  

Sure, I did my share of fade diets and workout routines…my weight yo-yo’d.  I never was able to keep it off.  And while yes, diet and exercise are important, so is balancing your hormones.


A few months ago…

when faced with unwanted side effects from the medications I was given, I researched for natural solutions and came full circle back to dōTERRA.  In my findings I found that we don’t get enough nutrients from the foods we eat and that we are exposed to many toxins daily. This causes an imbalance in our gut flora, which in turn causes havoc in our bodies resulting in immune deficiencies. dōTERRA offers me more than just essential oils, they offered me an opportunity to step into a healthier way of living through their oils, nutritional supplements and home and body care products.

With the help of Essential Oils and especially the LifeLong Vitality supplements, in these past few months, I have not only been able to get rid of medical labels but I’m feeling so much better emotionally and physically. I’ve never had these amazing results with any other supplements I’ve tried.  My intent wasn’t a weight loss journey, but despite my physical limitations and not being able to step into a full workout routine…you guessed it, I have lost 30lbs as of the picture below and have continued to lose weight.

As I’m gearing up to do another group cleanse I’m realizing how far I’ve come. How clean my diet has become, how I can’t remember the last time I had digestive issues, migraines, or an abnormal blood pressure reading. The side benefits have been just as amazing, my skin is healthier, my mind is clearer, I even have new hair growth and healthier stronger nails!


Yes, I still have a ways to go on my journey…

but through my spiritual practices, my self-discovery and self-explorations exercise, as well as my healthier lifestyle I’m getting there.  My journey to balance my Mind, Body and Spirit has been a commitment to myself to live a more vibrant and juicy life no matter what challenges I have…and I do have my share of them.  We all have to do our own work, however that looks.  What I know for sure is I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without my oil family, supplements or my essential oils. Having them support my journey has been a blessing.  

Even with my hair a mess and no makeup (my usual self)…you can see the difference, I know I can feel it.   Interested in learning more about essential oils?  Connect with me or read more.

Moonlight Musings…

Some of the oils that support my hormones…





Image shared by Dr. Engelsen




Here’s new blend I’m trying out…

This blend was shared by Dr. Mariza Snyder at our annual convention during the doctors’ panel.








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