New Moon in Gemini

The New Moon in Airy Gemini this June 19th is accompanied by the energy of another eclipse…this time it’s a Solar Eclipse. They invite us to both let go of the past and step into a new chapter. In this Wield Love series of the Wild Woman Project community, we are honoring the birds in Love Inspires.
In the words of our wild leader Chris Maddox…
we are allowing them to inspire us to get a birds-eye view, the opposite view of our earth-bound perspective of where we currently are. While being surrounded with so much change and uncertainty, during this time of great transition. Allowing them to inspire us to rise above, get curious and discover our next step.
I personally have a beautiful bird family of spirit guides so this invitation to put our consciousness into a bird of choice and see through it’s eyes and experience rising above all that we are currently facing to get a different perspective totally spoke to me.
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”
This quote sums up what we are being asked to explore and be curious about. As you open your wings and fly high above all the uncertainty around you, ask yourself…
What is…be it places, experiences, people, ideas, activities, even places of study that is inspiring you right now?
Here are the oils that called to me, to support us as we are silently pulled to these things that we love and inspire us. Inviting us to do more of them AND to trust we will not be led astray…

Cypress ~ Motivation and Flow creates energetic flow, working with the heart and mind to teach the soul to let go of the past. Casting aside our worries and let go of control.

Magnolia ~ Compassion Connecting us to the Divine Matriarch, teaching us to hold compassion for all. It inspires deep transformative thoughts as it provides a true haven of refuge and reflection.

Turmeric ~ Restoration offers strength and hope to ground us during times of upheaval or significant change. Helping us move past systemic barriers such as prejudice, bias, and racism by helping us recognize discordant and distinguishing them from the truth.
Here are some ways you can tap into your inspirations and explore out your intent for this New Moon…
Make time for self-care…we get caught up in the busyness of life that we forget to make time to make time for some much-needed self-care. There are many ways to explore self-care here are a few:
~Take salt baths to release what doesn’t serve you, check out this post in my previous blog about bath salts.
~Unplug from electronics and go for walks in nature…you can find nature all around even in the city if you slow down and look.
~Create Sacred Space…diffuse some oils (like the New Moon blend above) while creating intentions for the New Moon, or doing any other activity that inspires and nourishes you. Explore more about how to create sacred space here.
Once you’ve explored the journaling question above…choose 2-3 of those, to practice for a month, and start bringing more of them into your life. Before you know it you will be doing more and more things that bring you joy.
This New Moon cycle make time to explore…

The Feather…Lightness of being…
It is our birthright to feel true joy and a lightness of being. When we consistently keep choosing to let go of our fears, dramas, negative thoughts even our ego personalities it will create space within us and without to be here in the present moment and to explore and find out who we really are underneath it all.
New Moon Blend samples are available…

I’m starting to offer 1ml size droppers of the current New Moon blends!!! If you are interested in purchasing his month’s New Moon Blend direct message me here or email me at They are $10.00 with FREE shipping!
(Inspired by Emotions and Essential Oils book)