Daily Archives: May 8, 2020

Full Moon in Scorpio…

I hope this Museletter finds you well. As with most of the world we’ve been going through some challenges trying to navigate these unprecedented times. After reading the various Full Moon reports, I like to read, I felt called to share my Full Moon Blend with you…

This Full Moon as with all Full Moons…

has many names…from it’s universal name to tribal names. I was drawn to its Flower or Blossom Moon names and it inspired the floral tones in my blend this month.  And although it’s in the water sign of Scorpio…to me this Moon feels fiery.  Maybe because Scorpio is an intense, passionate sign or may because I’m a Libra with Scorpio rising and both are sensual signs, or just because of the times we are in…

Whatever the reason…

this Moon feels fiery to me, a call to action to let go and fully embrace our metamorphosis, as we learn to navigate our “new norm”.  Time to tend our inner gardens and tap into our inner power.  

So these are the oils that called to me…

Patchouli ~ Oil of physicality.  Ground, ground, ground…it is so vitally important.

Juniper Berry ~ Oil of night.  Supports us with clearing past traumas, by helping us learn our lessons and face our fears.

Jasmine ~ Oil of Balance, a moon oil, helps us connect with our purest intentions. Deepening our intuition.

Ylang Ylang ~ Inner child. Connects us to our hearts accessing “heart- knowing” intuition. It also helps us release emotional trauma allowing healing to flow naturally.

I think it’s a wonderful scent as well and a power blend as we all move through this next phase together.

I’ll be holding another New Moon Circle this Month should you be interested in joining us please register Here.