Inviting in the Sacred…Yuletide Magick

Can you believe this year is coming to an end? I can’t…time seems to be going by faster and faster in my little corner of the world.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this was another hard year to bear. I’ve grieved more in 2021 than I ever have…I’m sure I’m not alone. What did I learn? The importance of witnessing, allowing, and flowing. With each wave that rose I allowed myself to just ride it. Feeling the feels, each ebb, and flow of emotions and tears.
I was recently reminded of how Khalil Gibran describes how our grief and joy sit side by side in the book “The Prophet”, a book I read quite a few years ago.

And so…I trust, I trust that all this grief is preparing me for all the joy that will soon follow. He goes on by saying…
…and you would accept the seasons of your heart just as you have always accepted that seasons pass over your fields and you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.
Khalil Gibran
I keep reminding myself…
“Remember you are right where you should be, in what ever season of life you find yourself in” and I say this to you too should you find yourself amidst your own grief or life challenges.
So I’ve been inviting in the Sacred, a little bit of Yuletide Magick, here and there…along with doing things that bring me joy…that would be being creative. I thought I’d share my latest creation with you in hopes it would inspire you to venture out in nature and invite some Yuletide Magick in as well.
In this creative project I wanted to bring the elements together in one little jar of Yuletide Magick, and so I created a mini Yule Altar in a Jar. Here’s what you will need…
Gather your materials…
These little altars hold the elements of Fire (candle), Earth(greens), Water and you can add a feather or burn some incense near it to represent Air. For the water, I like to use Moon Water to make it extra magickal, but tap water would be just fine.
I invite you to go out on what I call a Spirit Walk. It’s a meditative walk where I open up to messages from nature. I do this when I’m out harvesting/collecting too, I open up to what wants to share itself with me.

I like to be mindful when I collect/harvest in nature. I take a moment to ask permission and I listen. Hearing the answer is two folds, first I observe…if it’s a plant, I see if it’s large and healthy enough to sustain my harvesting from it, then I also feel into it intuitively as to whether or not it offers itself to me to harvest. It’s a gut feeling I get, sometimes it’s a no and I respect that, but sometimes it’s a yes. After I harvest I say thank you.

When I was looking for the evergreens here in the picture, I noticed that the last storm had knocked down various branches around our home. These were pretty fresh so I didn’t even have to harvest them, they were right there, lying at the foot of the trees for me.
Here’s a tip, I didn’t want to go out purchasing floating candles. I found out that if you remove tea candles from their tin, and make sure there’s a drop of wax sealing the metal plate allows them to float. Otherwise, the metal disc will slip out of the candle and sink leaving a hole in the center of the candle.
Once you are ready…
start by decorating the edge of the jar, by wrapping it with the Washi tape. Another idea is, you can also use glue and glitter! Add your water and arrange your greens and pinecones. You will find that they will tend to float, just keep playing with it, eventually they will find their place to rest. Then light the candle and enjoy!
A note of caution…like with any candle remember to keep an eye on the lit flame, as some of the greens can stick out above the water and could burn.
And a Moonlit Prearl of wisdom…add a drop of Tea Tree oil in the water and it will prevent bacteria growth and make them last longer!

As you know, I enjoy creating essential oil blends, so here are two favorites from past Holiday Seasons. The anointing blend can also be diffused, just blend them together and follow the instructions on your diffuser as to how many drops to add…

Here’s what I’m diffusing currently…
I call this one By the Fire…
These three remind me of the holiday season. The fresh scent of a Yule tree, the cedarwood burning in the fireplace, and sipping some orange scented Wassail…
Siberian Fir ~ addresses generational healing. As well as supports our parasympathetic and immune systems.
Cedarwood ~ while it’s known to be the oil of community, it also supports emotional healing. Working on past traumas through the subconscious.
Wild Orange ~ known as the oil of abundance, fosters creativity and uplifts the spirit.
Wassail ~ a hot beverage made from cider, oranges, and spices. My favorite holiday drink, it promotes good health as its ingredients are perfect for supporting wellbeing through the winter months. Making it has been a tradition in our home. I’ll be sharing my personal recipe soon!

So what’s in yours this time of year? Share below!