Mandala Coloring Pages…

I was recently talking to a friend about my painting practice. How it’s become a sacred practice for me, a way to move through stress or challenges in my life. She commented that she prefers to color, like in a coloring book, it’s the creative practice that fires up her creativity.
I love coloring too, it’s something I’ve enjoyed as a child and a Mom. I used to get down on the floor and color with my kiddos when they were young. We’d pick out our coloring books and pull out our crayons and play. Play is one of the principles I invite everyday into my life, still today.

I’ve always enjoyed many forms of creativity, so when I was introduced to digital drawling back in 2011, it’s been something I’ve done on and off. One of the things I create is my own coloring pages. So, I’ve decided to start sharing some with you, with an intention to create monthly Full/New Moon coloring pages with you.
Here’s Full Moon in Aquarius Mandala coloring page I created for this Full Moon. I’m offering it as a Pay what you can so hop on over to my page and get yours! While there check out my other coloring page offerings and don’t forget to follow me so you get updates on what I’m creating!
I’m looking forward to create more and more, Enjoy!
Here’s a tip…
One of my offerings is book markers and here’s how to create Tassels for them. Here’s what you’ll need…
- Embroidery floss
- Small pair of scissors
- A ruler
Step 1: You are going to cut 4″ of embroidery floss. Lay it on the ruler and then wrap embroidery floss around the ruler about 20 times. Then cut the end. (If you want to make a larger tassel use a wider ruler or a piece of cardboard, you’ll also want to wrap the floss a few more times.

Step 2: Pull the 2 tails of the cut 4″ floss, through the loop, and tighten.

Step 3: Slide the loops (tassel) off of your ruler or cardboard.

Step 4: Cut another piece of floss (about 14” long). Make a loop shape on one end, then lay loop on tassel. Hold the loop and wrap the other end tightly around tassel several times. Then pass that end of the floss through loop you made and gently pull the other end to close the loop, making a secure knot.
Step 5: Cut and trim your tassel evenly.

Step 6: There you have it!