Stepping into 2021 through Rituals…
The end of the year and the beginning of 2021 came and went in a whirlwind for us, as we settled into a new stationary lifestyle. I usually blog at the end of the year about the lessons learned and celebrate our achievements, but this December was so busy and unsettled I didn’t have the time. Though, I did take moments here and there in sacred space to be complete with the past year. I believe we all did in one way or another.

I like spending the first couple of weeks in January getting clear about my focus and intent for the New Year. I spend a lot of time meditating, contemplating, and being open to receiving. My favorite place to do so is by the sea. I like to call this time Sacred Play, a term I was introduced to through my Artbundance Coaching training back in 2015, it’s a sacred time when we go within and invite intention and creativity.
The first thing I do, if it hasn’t come to me by now, is choosing a word to live into. Ten years ago I was introduced to this practice by Susannah Conway and I chose my first word of the year; letting go of resolutions and choosing a word I wanted to live into instead. In recent years the word comes to me in meditation. But in the beginning and on some years I’ve worked through Susannah’s “Find your word“.
Word: Alchemic
A few years later I came across Danielle Laporte’s book Style Statement (affiliate link) and fell in love with her teachings. That led me to choose my Core Desires for the year. I choose 4 desired feelings for the year.
Core Desires: Magickal, Aligned, Sacred and Co-Creative
In 2013 I was graced with an Animal Guide, turtle. So, every year since I open to the Animal Medicine that year brings me. Again, now I find that the animal comes to me…but in the past and in years I’m inspired to, I check out The Enchanted Forest…to see who wants to guide me.
Animal Guide: Stag
Lastly, in 2018 I was introduced to the Hunab Ku book (affiliate link)…by my mentor Whitney Freya. So, I started to choose a symbol to represent the coming year as well.
Symbol: Dragon
How does all of this support me? Well, they are my allies…my support system throughout the year. I create art, meditate on, call on, and learn from their teachings. For me they represent the 4 levels of Reality:
Physical (body) ~ Language movement ~ Core Desires
Mind ~ Language words ~ Word of the year
Mythic (Soul) ~ Language images ~ Symbol
Spirit ~ Language energy ~ Animal Guide
I get to participate in Sacred Play throughout the year and see how it unfolds.
The first art I do is create a wallpaper for my phone with the word, desires, and the symbol. Here’s this year’s: Dragon is my symbol…it’s message: “A powerful, mystical wise part of yourself is now emerging. Dragon is guarding the door to your heart. To rise into your heart chakra and move on to the green palette, you must overcome the fear and survival issues in your lower realms.” Couldn’t be more right on, as I’m currently being coached in this very thing. Last year’s symbol was the Pheonix.

Dragon also showed up in a painting from 2012…from the “Painting the Goddess within” workshop…I love how our paintings are portals…

At some point, I bring out my paints and create a word canvas and I get inspired to paint my Animal Guide. Here’s a video of my 2019 Word Canvas.
And here’s the painting of my Animal Guide for 2020…snow leopard.

In the past, I’ve created jewelry with my word, this year I’m stamping with “My Intent” kit. I also have written my word on sticky notes, created mantras, and used them in all sorts of ways to anchor me and remind me what I chose to live into for the year.

Do you choose a word, core desires, symbol, or animal guide as allies for the new year? If not, give it a whirl see what magick unfolds for you. Please share below, I’d love to see what creative magick you create.