Create a Self-Love Altar

As a facilitator for the Warrior Goddess Training, in my private Facebook group, we journey through its many teachings…this month’s theme is Aligning with life…as in being with all of it and all parts of ourselves, both the good and the ugly.
Life is perfectly imperfect…
it’s often unpredictable and mostly unexplainable. Having the main strategy of being a Controller…I struggled with aligning with life. So, I do my best to remind myself that I am always at choice…I can choose love or fear. I do my best to be present and ask myself do I want to struggle with how I think it “should be” or show up to flow with “what is”…here and now. Yes, there are times when I’m so triggered I’m unable to choose love…to flow with what is.

That’s when loving all parts of us…
even those times when we are so triggered when we can’t find the strength to flow with what is is important. Yes, I’m talking about those parts that we aren’t proud of. I found myself in that very place this past week. But beating ourselves up cos’ we chose not to show up, isn’t nurturing nor is it being compassionate with ourselves. Instead…I choose to love all of me, even the ugly part. In fact, on my 54th birthday, I gifted myself a touchstone tattoo. A reminder to do my best and hold space for and honor ALL of me. And that sparked the creation of my Self-Love altar and this post.
February is a month that celebrates love…
the gifting of love letters, roses, chocolates and so on…so, I decided to give myself the gift of self-love and honoring.

You know I’m all about creating Sacred Space, it’s at the core of my healing. Having an altar creates Sacred Space in your home. I share more about this in my eCourse which also offers a FREE mini ecourse so you can explore my teaching style. An altar is a place where you set an intention, a place of offerings and prayers. A Self Love altar is created with the intention of healing our relationship with ourselves…and our inner child. Inviting her to come play…a form of what I call sacred play! I believe this kind of sacred play opens us up to have compassion for ourselves through all of it…the good and the ugly.

For me, creating an altar is so much fun…
cause you can use anything you have on hand. You can add a piece of art or a picture, use bones, seashells, crystals, feathers, candles, religious items, it’s your sacred space, fill it with what speaks to you.
I chose to have Pinks and Greens on my Self-Love altar and I kept it simple. Here’s what I used to give you some ideas:
- Candle
- Feather
- Seashell
- Rose Quartz Heart
- Heart-Shaped Rock I found
- Rose Essential Oil (to anoint myself)
- Art…I had a stencil of the Anahata symbol of the heart chakra (12 petal lotus with intersecting triangles)
I even added my word of the year “Alchemic” and some hearts on my candle. The choices are limitless, create it in whatever way makes you feel good!

I chose to place it under my “Goddess within” Painting.
I painted this in 2012 when I took a class taught by Havi, who first introduced me to Intentional Creativity. I chuckled when I unpacked this painting as we settled into our new home. Why? Because…it was the vision of my inner Goddess in 2012 when I lived in Colorado…because I see myself in it today…in the faerie forests of the Pacific Northwest, with a dragonfly tattoo which now sits on my right forearm, still exploring my inner depths, and opening my intuition, supported by returning to Celtic Shamanism teachings, and with Dragon, my symbol for 2021 by my side. This again is another reason why painting to me is like a sacred journey, where I journey beyond time and place, exploring the inner depths of my soul and expressing it’s essence onto the canvas…
I know for some Valentine’s Day…
brings up all kinds of emotions. This February don’t forget to celebrate the love you have for yourself too. I invite you to celebrate and honor YOU, by creating your own Self Love altar.
I leave you with this wonderful Self-Love Synergy I created…

As with all my blends…
you can blend these and add a few drops in your diffuser or you can dilute them and use them to anoint yourself or as a perfume…enjoy. AND feel free to substitute with what you have on hand let your intuition guide you…you can use any grounding oil in place of Sandalwood…Tree oils are known as grounding oils, Frankincense, Cedarwood, etc. Any Floral oils in place of the ones above, they are calming. You can even add Citrus oils which are uplifting, like Bergamot…oil of self love!
If you are called to join my private group and explore the Warrior Goddess Training with me you can learn more Here.