I share a variety of tools to support us on our healing journey, like the use of Essential Oils, Journaling, Body Movement etc. You’ve also seen me share about how having a creative practice is another pillar in nurturing our Mind, Body and Soul.
I was introduced to art journaling…
a little over 9 years ago. Through it I learned to process through emotional energy, transforming them from one form to another. How it allows us to tap into our creative energies and creating changes in our lives and in the way we showing up for it. Most importantly I’ve learned how we are all creatives, it’s our birthright and when we tap into our creative energy, we can dream the world we want into being.

So, what if you gave yourself 8-10 mins a day (more if you want) to put color to paper and see what unfolds? What if you let go of attachment to the outcome and let your soul communicate through color, symbol and imagery? What if you put aside judgement, having to do it right (what ever right looks like to you)? What if you asked you inner critic to take a back seat? What if you let go of attachment to the outcome and let your soul communicate through color, symbol and imagery? What might happen?
Want to find out?
I would like to invite you to join me on a 21-day Painting Meditation Challenge, led by Whitney Freya, my coach, my mentor and muse. You’ll have access to our FB group and join others on a journey to tap into our creative side. Whether you’ve always wanted to paint but never have or you are already painting, this 21-day challenge will be a wonderful way to get you centered and grounded in your own creative flow.
Did you know that Scientific research has proven that creative and meditative activities produces the same brain waves? Alpha waves, which puts us in a state of relaxation. We will be immersing ourselves in pure color, sound and flow as we explore watercolors! One of my favorite mediums…why? Because in my deep soulwork I found that I tend to be a control freak, it makes me feel safe. But really, we can’t control anything other than our own reactions, our own choices. I’m learning that…and watercolor is the perfect medium to play with…cos’ they have a mind of their own!
Curious about my favorite supplies?
- Watercolors ~ Pelikan
- Brushes Wide one to cover the page with water, then I like playing with a variety of tips, round, flat and angle tips.
- Watercolor Paper ~ Canson XL Watercolor 140lb. I make my own hand bound journals but they come in various size pads.
- Extras ~ Signo Pens Love these when I want to write words or add details.
Painting as a Sacred Creative Practice…
I like to create sacred space when I art. Here’s some of the things I use to invite in the sacred into my arting space.

- I light a candle and burn some Sage/Palo Santo as I set an intention before I begin.
- My Affirmation cards that I created to inspire me!
- I also love to diffuse Essential oils. I have my own personal blend I use AND put in my spray bottle. Sometimes I just use one oil that connects with the intention or energy I’m tapping into.
So why Essential oils…
researchers have found that when we inhale Essential oils they can stimulate our 4 main brain waves:
- Delta Waves / 1Hz – 3Hz / Deep Sleep
- Theta Waves / 4Hz – 7Hz / Creating/Thinking
- Alpha Waves / 8Hz – 13Hz / Relaxing
- Beta Waves / 14Hz – 30Hz / Alertness
For example, inhaling some of my favorite oils like Lavender and Sandalwood increases Alpha-wave activity (relaxation) which can also be stimulated by creativity and meditation!
Being a creative at heart…

you know I love all forms of creativity. I’ve been really moved by Whitney’s teachings, especially in my creatively fit training, (it’s healing on another level). So, I’m sure this 21 day challenge will be just as juicy for you!
Are you in?
Here’s the link: https://tinyurl.com/WF21dayMeditation. We start August 1st, so gather your supplies, sign-up and I’ll see you there!